
Hi everyone!

Nothing really new to report, except that it’s nice to see some new faces, not to mention to get through all of those scenery strips! This is the common room, where the sisters spend most of their time together, so get comfy. :)

We’re still hoping to increase our posting rate as the production process becomes more streamlined, but of course some strips are easier than others, so it’s good to be cautious. It’s a nice goal, though, and we’ll keep you posted!

Thanks so much for reading!

~ Rachel


As promised, here is some dialogue!

So at this point we have a question for you all. What do you think of this typeface? It’s a nice one, specifically Webletterer from Blambot, but we’re not sure how it interacts with our art style. Since we’re in here and you’re out there, we’d love some input on this. How does it look? Does it feel right? Any comments would be much appreciated as we try to iron things out. :)

Thanks, and thanks for reading!

~ Rachel


Second page is up on schedule! That feels good.

I have to admit, I kind of like the fact that the first words of the comic are “CLANG CLANG CLANG.”

So what is the first line of actual, human dialogue? Tune in next week!

And thanks for tuning in this week. :)

~ Rachel


Here it is — our first comic!!

Michael and I have been working on putting this all together for more than a year now, and finally (or already), here we are. Launch day!

We’re having a lot of fun behind the scenes, and hope you’ll enjoy Runewood Abbey as much as we do. Thanks to all our family and friends who are already reading! Please spread the word, and do tell us what you think. :)

The next update will be Saturday, sticking to a weekly update schedule for now. As we get a better idea of how long each comic takes to produce, our hope is to increase our posting rate. We’ll let you know when that happens!

Thanks again, and see you next week! Woo hoo!!

~ Rachel