Published On: May 29, 2010

8 thoughts on “Chapter Three – Page One

  1. Samuel Harrington

    Oh dear.

    1. Oh dear indeed!

      …For all that poor Sepia’s in trouble, the art on this page is still pretty neat.

  2. Well, that doesn’t look good.

  3. squirrel whisperer

    How did she get there?

    1. replacement sparrow

      And also: why doesn’t she just leave?

      My guess is that she can’t, yet, and that this is a flashback.

      1. squirrel whisperer

        Good thought you could be right. Either that or she can’t teleport if she is in distress.

        1. I’ve gotten the impression from a re-read (specifically in chapter 1, page 13) that it takes her a bit of time to prepare before she can teleport (or whatever fancy term is used for what she does). So it could also be that she simply CAN’T do whatever she needs to do while she’s busy trying not to drown.

  4. Cannot teleport while moving, maybe..?

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